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Combigan Eye Drops
Combigan Eye Drops
Combigan Eye Drops
Combigan Eye Drops

Combigan Eye Drops

5ml Eye Drop in Bottle
MRP 505.18
444.5612% OFF
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Medical Description

Combigan Ophthalmic solution is a combination of Brominidine and Timolol. It is used to lower the pressure built within the eye (ocular hypertension) and chronic glaucoma. It works by decreasing the production of aqueous humour (fluid-filled in the eye) which further lowers the eye pressure.

It should not be used in children below 2 years of age. Combigan Ophthalmic solution should be used externally only. Avoid the use of contact lenses. Avoid touching the dropper with your eye. Inform your doctor if you have a heart or respiratory condition and are on other medications as well. You may experience eye irritation, burning sensation, dryness, and blurred vision. If these symptoms do not resolve or worsen, consult with your doctor.


Product Summary

Offer Price₹444.56
You Save₹60.62 (12% on MRP)
ContainsBrimonidine(0.2 %) + Timolol(0.5 %)
UsesOpen-angle glaucoma or hypertension of the eye.
Side effectsBurning sensation, pain, discharge, dryness, irritation, blurred vision, redness of the eye
Check more medicines with composition as Brimonidine(0.2 %) + Timolol(0.5 %)


Combigan Ophthalmic solution is used to lower the intraocular (within the eye) pressure in patients with chronic (long-lasting) open-angle glaucoma or hypertension of the eye.

Contraindications of COMBIGAN EYE DROPS

  • If you are allergic to Timolol, Brimonidine or any other component of Combigan Ophthalmic solution.
  • If you have a history of bronchial asthma or severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
  • If you have any heart disease or disorder including heart failure.
  • If you have any psychiatric disease and are on medicine such as rasagiline, selegiline, isocarboxazid, phenelzine, amitriptyline, nortriptyline, desipramine and mianserin.

Side effects of COMBIGAN EYE DROPS

  • Burning sensation
  • Pain, discharge, dryness, irritation, blurred vision, redness of the eye
  • Low mood
  • Sleepiness, headache
  • Hypertension
  • Dry mouth
  • Swelling and itching of the eyelid

Precautions and Warnings of COMBIGAN EYE DROPS



Can I use Combigan Ophthalmic solution during pregnancy?
There is limited information about the effects of Combigan Ophthalmic solution in human pregnancy. Hence, the use of Combigan Ophthalmic solution is not recommended unless prescribed by your doctor. Inform your doctor if you are pregnant or you think you may be pregnant.

Breast Feeding

Can I use Combigan Ophthalmic solution while breastfeeding?
Combigan Ophthalmic solution may pass into the breastmilk and cause harm to the newborn baby or infant. The use of Combigan Ophthalmic solution is not recommended for nursing mothers. Inform your doctor if you are breastfeeding.


Can I drive if I have used Combigan Ophthalmic solution?
Combigan Ophthalmic solution may cause blurring of vision, visual disturbance, fatigue, drowsiness which may alter the ability to drive. Hence, avoid driving until all these symptoms are resolved.


Can I consume alcohol with Combigan Ophthalmic solution?
It is recommended to avoid or limit the consumption of alcohol with Combigan Ophthalmic solution as it may increase the side effects. Talk to your doctor if you consume it too often.

Other General Warnings

Talk to your doctor if
  • You experience an allergic reaction.
  • You have heart, respiratory, diabetes and hyperthyroid (overactive thyroid) disease or condition.
  • You experience loss of vision or dryness of the eye.
  • You have a planned surgery.
  • You wear contact lenses.
  • Combigan Ophthalmic solution should not be used in children below 2-years of age.

Directions for Use of COMBIGAN EYE DROPS

  • Use this medicine as instructed by your doctor.
  • Follow directions carefully & do not miss an application.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly before and after applying.
  • Close your eyes for 2 - 3 minutes and do not blink or squeeze.
  • Avoid touching your eyes with the dropper. Keep the dropper clean.
  • Wipe any excess liquid from your face with a tissue.
  • Use the exact number of drops recommended.

Storage and disposal of COMBIGAN EYE DROPS

  • Store it at a temperature not exceeding 15°C - 25°C.
  • Protect it from freezing.
  • Keep it out of the reach of children and pets.
  • Discard the solution if it changes colour, turns cloudy or if it contains particles.


  • Combigan Eye drops are used to treat glaucoma and lower the pressure within the eye which is ocular hypertension.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly before using the eye drop to avoid introducing any bacteria into your eye.
  • Please consult your doctor if you have any other eye conditions before using Combigan Eye Drop.
  • This medication should be taken as long as the doctor has prescribed it to you. The doctor normally adjusts the dose and duration of this medicine depending on the medical condition.
  • Inform your doctor if you are pregnant, planning on becoming pregnant, or breastfeeding before taking this eye drop.
  • Dry mouth, sleepiness, headache, swelling and itching of the eyelid may occur in some individuals with the use of this Combigan Eye drop. Inform your doctor if these effects bother you or do not go aw...
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  • You should avoid driving or operating heavy machinery if you experience blurred vision after using Combigan Eye drop.
  • If you use any other eye drop product in addition to this one, wait at least 15 minutes between applying both medications.
  • It should not be used in children below 2 years of age.



  • As Combigan Ophthalmic solution is meant for external application, cases of overdose are unlikely. However, upon accidental ingestion, contact your doctor immediately or visit the nearest hospital.
  • If you have applied extra quantities of it, wipe out the excess of the medicine with tissue or cotton.

Missed a Dose

If you have missed instilling Combigan Ophthalmic solution, apply it as soon as possible. Do not over-instil this medicine to compensate for the missed application.

Mode of Action of COMBIGAN EYE DROPS

How Does It Work?

  • Combigan Ophthalmic solution contains Timolol and Brimonidine. They work by decreasing the raised intraocular (inside the eye).
  • Brimonidine has the dual action of reducing the aqueous humour fluid (fluid in the front part of the eye) production and increasing the outflow of aqueous fluid.
  • Timolol acts by decreasing the aqueous humour production, lowering the build fluid pressure within your eye.

Interactions of COMBIGAN EYE DROPS

Interactions with other medicines

  • Since Combigan Ophthalmic solution is to be used externally, it is less likely to interact with other medicines. However, consult your doctor if you are taking other medicines for treating other healt...
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  • The effect of Combigan Ophthalmic solution may be increased with medicine used to calm the central nervous system such as morphine, zolpidem and lidocaine.
  • The effect of Combigan Ophthalmic solution may be increased with medicine such as diltiazem, verapamil, propranolol, atenolol, amiodarone, digitalis, and guanethidine used for heart conditions.
  • Concomitant use of Combigan Ophthalmic solution with medicine used to increase heart rate such as adrenaline may cause dilation of the pupil (mydriasis).
  • Combigan Ophthalmic solution may increase the effect of blood sugar-lowering medicine such as metformin, and insulin and may hide the symptoms of lower blood sugar.
  • Concomitant use of Combigan Ophthalmic solution with iodine contrast medium or intravenous lidocaine should be avoided.

Content Details


Shaman Ansari

D.Pharm, B.Pharm


Dr. Ritu Budania

MBBS, MD (Pharmacology)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Q: How long can I use Combigan Ophthalmic solution?

A: You should use Combigan Ophthalmic solution for the duration advised by your doctor. Once you open the bottle, make sure you use it within 4-weeks of opening.

Q: Can Combigan Ophthalmic solution lower the blood pressure?

A: No, Combigan Ophthalmic solution does not significantly lower the systemic blood pressure. It lowers the pressure in the eye (ocular pressure).

Q: Will Combigan Ophthalmic solution cause blurry vision?

A: Yes, Combigan Ophthalmic solution may cause blurry vision for some time or short duration. If this condition worsens, connect with your doctor. Avoid performing any activities requiring consciousness.

Q: Can I stop taking Combigan Ophthalmic solution when I feel better?

A: No, do not stop taking Combigan Ophthalmic solution. Your symptoms may improve before the condition being cured completely. You should complete the full course of treatment, else the condition might worsen later. Always consult your doctor before stopping any medicine.

Q: Does Combigan eye drop need to be refrigerated?

A: No, the Combigan eye drop need not be refrigerated. Store it at a temperature not exceeding 15°C - 25°C.

Q: How frequently I can use Comibigan eye drop?

A: Combigan eye drop should be used only as frequently as prescribed by your doctor. Do not use it endlessly if you do not see any improvement.
Last Updated on: 12 May 2023 | 12:19 PM (IST)

Health Articles

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